Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 1 Wheel Throwing. Such talent!!

 These are the brave.  The students who geared up, aproned up (is that a word?) and volunteered to try the wheels first.   They did very well!
Many more pictures were taken of this group.  However, I promised I would only publish the dignified ones. Hahhahahaha

Monday, April 8, 2013

Arcimboldo- Intro To DIGITAL ART

Giuseppe Arcimboldo  (1526 or 1527 – July 11, 1593) was an Italian painter best known for creating imaginative portrait heads made entirely of such objects as fruits, vegetables, flowers, fish, and books – that is, he painted representations of these objects on the canvas arranged in such a way that the whole collection of objects formed a recognizable likeness of the portrait subject.

We attempted this same style using Photoshop!!!!  

Hayley B.

Melissa B.
Allie H.